Monday, December 15, 2008

ミルクティー (Milk Tea)

UA is my Japan. Thriving past a lot of what most would call J-Pop she had often been described as eccentric(the only word the Japanese seem to know for someone who is just a little different to everyone else here). UA isn't actually what most Japanese listen to, but everyone of many age groups know her name and some can recall a song title. For me she is the temperament and hue of rose colored sunglasses I like to view Japan in....(to be continued).

ミルクティー (Milk Tea) 1998
水色 (Color of Water) UA mentions that she first sang this song in Osaka--her roots

ランドリーより愛をこめて (From the Laundry Come Feelings of Love)
数え足りない夜の足音(Counting Isn't Enough Sound of Footsteps
of the Night)

UA -- Long Play ~45 mins. of various UA

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